While Motorola is launching its latest smartphone G7 India, the company is working on another new smartphone on the other. Motorola's upcoming smartphone is being named Moto One vision and it has two special things. The first thing is that it will be a smartphone with the first in-display camera coming from Moto and the other is that Samsung's chipset is being used in it.
The Moto One Vision, which comes after Moto One Power, will also have stock Android, i.e. this will be Android One smartphone. Also, Samsung's Exynos chipset will be used in any smartphone of this first-time Moto. This smartphone will have an Octa-Core Exynos 9610 processor with clock speed 2.3 GHz of its four Cortex A73 cores and another four Cortex A53 cores of 1.6 GHz.
According to the leaks revealed, Moto One Vision will have 32GB of storage with 3 GB of RAM and 64GB / 128GB storage option with 4 GB RAM. This handset will have 3500mAh of battery. Although the size of the display is not known, the company is going to give full HD Plus display with a 21: 9 aspect ratio here.
Moto One Vision will have a punch-hole selfie camera and on the rear panel, you will also find a rear-mounted fingerprint scanner with the dual rear camera. In addition, the rear camera can be of 48MP. According to Samsung's spokesperson, Exynos 9610 can handle multi-frame image processing. Also, two new features can also be added to Moto Camera features, including video 3D HDR, and long exposure.
It is believed that this smartphone can be launched soon in China by the name Moto P40. After this, it will be launched in the name of Moto One Vision in India and in other countries.